Skill, Integrity And The Art Of Heart

3 minute read

Building anything in life can be done with or without skill , integrity, and that extra piece that makes all the difference.

The perspective we have when we are building, greatly influences the purpose and quality of the end result.

If we view a build with a short term, disposable, self - centred approach, we are less likely to invest in quality sound foundations and research. We probably will not seek out the best fittings to enhance and add value to the venture because we don’t have any vision for its longevity or intend it to give lasting value to others.

We might believe that because I am building something, it will give me something I need, such as significance, identity or financial gain, or all of these.

Aware or not, other people will in some way bear the cost of a self - centred agenda.

Rather than building with a sense of significance and identity that comes from maturity and wellbeing, the build becomes centred on my needs and not the needs of the many others involved in the building process.

We can also build in complete ignorance of what is involved with a very lightweight sense of responsibility for ourselves and toward others in the investment that is being made.

                                        Enter the ‘Master Builder’.

These builders builds things of lasting quality. They research the purpose for the build and know what the needs are, of the people they’re building for and with.

They build with skill, integrity and passion.

They have an eye for resilience, durability and longevity and choose fittings that are pleasing, suitable and highly functional. They give extra care to the way things are being built and provide facility for its maintenance, so that it will give long service and satisfaction.

Physical projects, relationships, businesses and families all require a builder.

 May I encourage you to build everything you build in life…

                                     …with the heart of a ‘Master Builder’ .