Motivation - Missing In Action!
3 minute read
The Cambridge English Dictionary meaning of Motivation is:
“enthusiasm for doing something”
What do we do, when we find that something we should do has no attending enthusiasm?
Perhaps we were feeling motivated once but now … not so much.
Perhaps we were never really engaged but doing a duty that has hit the bottom of the energy tank.
There are always reasons behind our feelings and this involves what we are first thinking and believing about a situation.
What we think and believe about something will produce how we feel about it and so to get to the deeper information, to discover what the problem really is, we have these amazing things called feelings .
Feelings tell us what’s going on inside us and they give us the data we need to process our way forward.
That means that we can look at what we are feeling about an issue and ask ourselves what is the thinking and the belief underneath them.
When what I think and believe and value and feel are in agreement with what I am physically doing …
…that enthusiastic quality called motivation will appear.