Beginning With The End
3 min read
Stephen Covey wrote in his book ‘ The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People’, ( August 1989) ”Begin with the end in mind”.
Know what it looks like to hit the mark!
Define the goal!
There is so much possibility and opportunity between the beginning of something and its end.
Parents who raise their children with the end in mind, have the opportunity to develop character traits in their children that will affect their capacities and destiny in life.
Here’s a bunch of powerful character traits to inspire your imagination!
*Loving = Respects the feelings of others.
Has responsible actions not just loving talk.
Respects the “no” of others.
Has a good work ethic.
Is aware of its impact on others.
Takes ownership and responsibility
for its own life.
*Lives Free = A free person is not a victim.
They have choices and don’t blame.
*Pro-active = Lives from conviction on the inside.
Doesn’t live by reacting to the outside.
Takes initiative in life.
*Respect for reality = “If I do this, this will happen”.
Has respect for Cause and Effect.
*A growth mindset = Is able to change and achieve.
Is resilient and can solve problems.
Can forgive & take ownership of fault.
Can lose graciously.
*Honest = Is trustworthy and does not lie.
*Humility = Is not self centred & is able to serve.
Can delay gratification.
This principle of beginning with the end in mind can take us far in life because we have vision of what we are aiming for and this is also true of parenting.
So buckle up and proceed with the passion of a visionary!