Grateful For The Limits!
3 minute read
Boundaries are about living within the limits of the principles, that govern performance and
relationships. These limits are like train tracks that keep the train moving safely forward.
How would it be, to set the train free from the tracks and expect it to succeed…
… when it was designed from the beginning to need the tracks?
“Limits”, may create stress for some, implying being held back or their progress frustrated.
They are however, the very things that provide the direction, structure and discipline to
harness our energy into what we value the most in life.
They help form our priorities into habits. We say no for the higher yes.
These principles are things such as:
‘Cause and Effect’ where what I choose to do has consequences, so I choose carefully.
To be free and to use my freedom responsibly, is the only responsible pathway.
To respect all people, able to receive their no, their choices and their separateness.
To tell the truth about my feelings, desires and weaknesses openly, while remaining unashamed and confident .
To accept that I own everything inside me regardless of how it came to be that way and that power belongs to the owner, keeping me free from victimhood.
The need to take action in order to grow and develop.
Running in my own lane in life without comparison or controlling others in their lane.
Self- awareness of my own beliefs and values rather than losing myself beside others for lack of my own personal convictions.
Gratitude that pushes against the tendency toward focussing on what others have.
Receiving from and contributing to, long lasting, deep connections that fuel my life.
Limits are like the tracks that keep the train… on track !