Who Owns It?


3 minute read

Ownership is a concept that when applied correctly brings great clarity to our lives, helping us make accurate decisions, solve problems and provide structure in settling conflicts.

There is a helpful question we can ask ourselves in any situation.

                                        Who owns it?

The answer will tell us who the owner is, what they do and do not have control over and what they are responsible for.

The owner of something has control, is responsible, bears the consequences and /or reaps the benefits of the condition of their property, internal property as well as physical property.

Control and responsibility belong to the owner not to a non - owner.

When we trespass into someone else’s life to control what we do not own, for example, their feelings, attitudes, behaviours, choices, talents etc, we blur the boundary lines and the weight of ownership does not fall where it belongs.

This can apply in a work situation when we may be asked to take responsibility for something we have no control over and do not have the ownership of that role, producing high stress levels, compromising mental health and bottom line outcomes.

We can come along side and help with a load that is too heavy and crushing for someone to carry alone but we do a disservice to others and to ourselves when we own and therefore take responsibility for what we actually do not own.

We do own and therefore have control and responsibility, for our own everyday load in life, including loving care for ourselves and loving care for others but we do not own the everyday load of others and therefore do not have control over, or responsibility for, another person’s life.

(The care of children is carrying the load that they cannot bear as children until they reach maturity in age appropriate stages).

Freedom awaits those who can say yes and no …

  …with the clarity and confidence that ownership brings!