To Define and To Protect
3 minute read
Boundary lines around a property, serve to do two things.
1. They define the property, where it begins and where it ends, what is inside it and what is
outside it.
2. They enable us to protect the property from the dangers inside and the dangers outside.
To define means to give identity to something and from ‘Oxford Languages’, “to scope out its exact nature and mark out its limits”.
When we apply this meaning to our life, we can hopefully see that:
* knowing who I am
* being able to assess my strengths and weaknesses
* knowing my limits
* what I am responsible for
* what I am not responsible for
* what I can do
* what I cannot do
* what I want to give
* what I do not want to give
Scoping out myself in this way is a great start in being able to control and protect my property which is this life that I own and am responsible for .
Dangers from the outside are easier to see than dangers on the inside.
These come in the form of weak character traits such as dishonesty, lack of integrity, self-centred-ness, pride, resentment, un-forgiveness, and the host of other possibilities that can be found in the worst of human nature.
When we see these things in ourselves we can overlook them, support them through blame and denial OR we can become aware of the danger that these things pose to the beauty of our own life and physical health and choose to …
…define and protect ourselves from the dangers within and the dangers without.